Digital Library of Romania Integrity Pact
TI - Romania & Institute for Public Policy
Digital Library of Romania Integrity Pact
The Romanian Ministry of Culture and National Identity has begun a project to digitise all cultural artefacts and to create an online cultural digital library. This will allow public access to tens of thousands of cultural items - ranging from text and audio to 3D objects and video. The project will train relevant ministry staff in digitisation techniques and the development, cataloguing, and searchability of a national cultural digital library.
This IP is part of the “Integrity Pacts Programme – Safeguarding EU Funds” project funded by the European Commission.
Additional information
- Procurement authority: Ministry of Culture and National Identity
- Monitor: TI - Romania & Institute for Public Policy
- Language: Romanian
- Start year: 2017
- End year: Ongoing
- Tender value: Estimated EUR 11.5 million
Further Information
- TI Article: Romania: Integrity Pacts Covering Education, Land Registration, and the Distribution of EU Funds
- TI- Romania EU Integrity Pact Project Website (RO)
- Romania Digital Library IP Cooperation Agreement and IP Text (Romanian)
- Romania Digital Library IP Cooperation Agreement and IP Text (English translation)
- Romania Digital Library IP Infographic 2020
- Integrity Pacts resource page