Integrity Pacts in Indonesia - Country Overview
Transparency International Indonesia
Integrity Pacts in Indonesia - Country Overview
TI-Indonesia first promoted the use of Integrity Pacts to promote integrity and fight corruption in public procurement in 2002. The first IP was implemented by the Solok Regency in West Sumatra. TI-Indonesia analysed this experience and noted several elements positive impact of the IP in public procurement in this region.
Shortly thereafter, TI-Indonesia successfully advocated for the inclusion of IPs in Presidential Decree No. 80/2003 on Public Procurement. This Decree encouraged parties to public tenders to enter into IPs, but neither defined IPs nor provided details of how contracting agencies should implement IPs.
After interest in IPs subsided in the following decade, in 2013, TI-Indonesia initiated a project to promote business integrity, including in public procurement, called the PITA project, standing for: Participation, Integrity, Transparency, and Accountability. One element of the PITA project is the promotion of Integrity Pacts that have integrity and anti-corruption obligations on the part of both contracting agencies and bidders. The PITA IPs, however, call upon general civil society monitoring and do not have any sanctions. It is unclear how Transparency International will continue to develop IPs – within or separately from – the PITA process in the future.
This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us.